Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)

To Place a Want Ad Call 6-5511 PAGE 4, SECTION 2 WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, SATURDAY, JUNE 5, 1954 1 7 -Help. Male andor female LEGAL NOTICES On Way to 158-Mile Height i i HP 1 18 Sale Help, Mala Man needed to complete our sales staff In Madison area. Also, several territories available In Southern half of State. Substantial earnings and security. MrCONNON AND Manufactur ing Chemists, Phone 6-5704 or write Box 5213 Tlmes-JoumaiU A SALARY and commission, special Una Life.

Accident and Health Insurance. All prospects furnished. Travel Wisconsin, become State manager. Insurance experience de sirable. Writs B-5202 Times-Journal.

SALESMEN We have an opening in our factory outlet for 1 or 2 men, must have car. For personal interview stop in or call between 8:30 and 12 noon. 223 Wisconsin 54809. SALESMAN, 24-28 years. Sales and product training given by national Ice Cream company, locate In Wisconsin.

No travel. Excellent salary, car allowance, expenses, bonus. Must be draft exempt. Write P.O. Box 70, Madison.

Wisconsin. NEEDED 2 men to help me evenings. Car necessary. Neat, age 19-35. Phone 9-2275 for personal Interview from 4 to 6 p.

m. New subsidiary of Vita-Craft Corp. MEN to sell Lindsay Water Softeners ui Dane county, wny not sen tne leader? Call or write LINDSAY SOFT WATER OF MADISON. 2616 University Ave 5-0894. LOCAL COMPANY wants to train young man as salesman for paper products.

Must be draft exempt. Apply to the Wis. State Employment Service. 448 State St. 19 Sales Help.

Female IF YOU HAVE USED AVON you know you can sen our line of cosmetics In your spare time. Avon offers effective training program. irn while you earn. Representatives needed in Lodi and Verona area. Call 5-5183 or write AVON PROD- UCTs 4603 Monona Dr.

20 Situation Wanted. Male GRADUATE MECHANICAL ENGL neer desires nignt work, any neio. Married, permanent, best of refer ences. Call Tom at 6-1337 MIDDLE AGE. wishes odd Jobs.

Ex perienced painter, wall washing, part time maintenance worg. s-atsai. STUDENT desires full or part time work on East Side. Drivers License. Call 4-6145 21 Situations Wanted, Female BABY SITTING desired by 2 high school girls.

Experienced, references. Phone 9-3851. CHILD CARE In my home, days. East side. Reliable mother.

Phone 5-4UUU. REMSIK'S llffv curtain laundry also does rugs, bedspreads, blankets and table linens. 211 N. Few. 6-5286 DEPENDABLE woman wants cleaning laundry work, all around house work by day or hour.

Write B. 5232, Times- Journal. WE WOULD like to answer your telephone. Eastslde. Westsids or all around the town.

Call TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE 5-5181. SUMMER Mornings or evenings, University student. Experienced typing, switchboard. 7-2524 after 5 p.m, GIRL 15 desires work. Write Bemlce Wilkin, John Wilkin, Rt, 4, Mon- leuo, stating wages WILL CARE for 1 child In my home 800 block E.

Dayton Street. Call 5-8075 26 Personal Salary Loans QUICK CASH $25 to $1950 JUST PHONE 6-5337 Way Finance Co. 1007 Tenney Bldg. 110 E. Main St LOANS FAMILY FINANCE CORPORATION on your signature 113 E.

Washington Ave. Phone 6-0661 NEED SOME EXTRA MONEY? Call FIRST CREDIT CO 6-0616 Loans up to 1300 on your signature. J116 JTenney Bldg. Madison. LOANS $20 to $1,000.

HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. 15 W. Main, 2nd Floor. 5-8866 "MONEY IN MINUTES" CIIZENS LOAN FINANCE 3 15 Tenney Bldg. 7-22K5 29 Agricultural Implementi McCORMICK D.

tractor and cultivator. Starter and lights. Call 3-4466. FARMING VALUES TRACTOR MOUNTED SPRAYERS With 5-Row Boom, Reg. $149.95 NOW ONLY $1 19.95 15" Plain TABLE HAMMERMILL Regularly $195.00 NOW ONLY $169.95 32' DOUBLE CHAIN ELEVATOR Full 20" Trough with Folding Hopper.

Regularly $625.00 NOW ONLY $564.95 SEARS Farm Store 317 W. Johnson Call 6-6831 The Home of Implements 1 For Food HANLEY IMPLEMENT CO. 641 West Main St. Phone 10 Sun prairie, wis. 1 The U.

S. Navy's Viking II whooshes skyward at White Sands, N. as it began its record flight for single-stage rockets. The 7V2-ton, 45-foot rocket reached a speed of 4,300 mph, altitude of J.58 miles. The thrust engine used 5Vj tons of alcohol and liquid oxygen in the less than two minutes of powered flight.

It carried a load of 1,000 pounds, including a cosmic ray detection device, a camera and other instruments. (International Soundphoto) 29 Agricultural Implementi BALERS COMBINES P. T. 0. or Engine New Holland "77" IHC "45" "50T" Turner Case Wire Tie Oliver No.

8 Wire Tie Dearborn Combines Oliver 6 ft. self propelled Wood Bros. Allls Chalmers "60-IHO "52" "64" John Deera "12" Case 12 ft. self propelled Oliver ft. Swather Wood Bros.

24" Thrasher 35 USED TRACTORS BROOKS Implement Co. Wisconsin' Largest Part Stock Oliver or Ford Sun Prairie, Wis. Phone 41 USED TRACTORS MASSEY 44-4 tractors, 2 years eld JOHN DEERE A six speed Massey 101 Jr. and 81 at a bargain ALLIS wo, cultivator and starter McCORMICK Bs and W30 and F20 FORD and Ford Ferguson, plowa and cultivators 2 year old 77 Baler CASE Baler, cheap HAY CRUSHER and mower attachment GOOD ASSORTMENT used rsket and mowers NUSS IMPLEMENT CO. 1415 E.

Dayton, Madison 7-1938 HAY TOOL BARGAINS 15 Late Model Tractors 1 45T Baler, PTO 2 New Holland Balers 2 Choppers, hay and corn 2 Mowers for WD Allis 1 J. D. Cultivator. 1 yr. old MEYERS HAY CRUSHERS Farm Tire Headquarters CARL F.

STATZ Call 105RE IMPLEMENT SPECIALS Special on baling wire while It lasts 8.9S Used John Deere Elevator Deere Power Tract. 11050 FARMERS, Implement Store Phone 5-0516 Madison, Wis. JOLIET CORN SHELLER Late model, 1000 bu. per hr. capacity, like new, mounted on late model truck with special radiator and engine governor.

Sheller is driven from truck motor and cab control-led. Save money on this com. plete unit ready to go. Will demon, strate. Write P.O.

Box 24 Wisconsin Dells or Dial 4971 Wisconsin Dells. 10 FT. Case power binder. Has cut only 80 acres of grain. $225.

Walter a. uaivert. nenton. wis. Phone 72F3.

FIELD CHOPPER, Massey-Harrls. like new; Hume Loader. Bindsell Huller, Bale Loader, Bale ties. 22 in. Rum ler Thresher.

Riding 0 a e. Lloyd Schuld. Jefferson. Wis. FARMALL CUB TRACTOR Call Madison 5-1409 For BEST BUYS IN FARM MACHINERY SEE Disch Implement Co.

NEW GLARUS. WIS. We Trade Dairy Cattle Phone 182 OK Forge Choppers Oliver Farm Machinery Burch Rotary Hoes McFARLANE'S Sauk City Call 44 USED cultivators, used traci ior mowers, nayioaders and racks, 2 1941 John Deere B. tractor and cul-tlvator. 1 IHC tractor and culti-vator.

1 1945 Minn. Moline trae-to r. Kalscheur Implement Cross Plains. Wis. 30 Farm Miscellaneous 100-POUND farm assortment of bolts.

num. wasners sia. carglll's pure linseed oil, $2 gallon. House or barn paint, white, red. sllver-grav.

$2.29 gallon. No COD's please. Josld Hardware. Dept. 5.

316 E. Hennepin Minneapolis. Minn. ONE ARABIAN 8 year old riding mare, also one yearling colt. Kalscheur Implement Co.

Cross Plains, call 65. WANTED Stanritnsr hnv hv rh on halves. Contact Richard Blttner, Rt. 3. Madison.


MARTINSON PLUMBING 4-860S For All Your Needs In Plumbing and Heating SEE HYLAND-HALL 212 N. Bassett St. 8-2963 Now is the time To have your gutters and downspouts replaced. Estimates gladly given. Phone 5-45U ask for Yarry.

No obligations. Metal Heating Dept. 16 N. Fairchild St. Wolff Kubly Hirsig Madison's Most Interesting Store 012 Radio, Televiiion SERVICE CALLS ONLY $3.50 For day.

night and 8unday. Home Labor Included, written guarantee, parts, service. BOB'S TV 8EHVICE 602 North St. Your Stewart-Warner Dealer 4-7982 4-7808 CI 3 Tailoring, Sewing.JEtc. ALTERATIONS Cleaning, "reweavlng like new on men'a and ladles suits and dresses.

Also any uniforms. MARTIN'S TAILOR SHOP 419 State St 5-1714 alterations A-l ladles men's and reweavlng like new NKDREBO'S 524 State 5-WX) 014-Upholstering, Refiniih, Repair ANTIQUE RFSTORING. FURNI- TIIRP BTPDAlulwrf DITB-lKllcil. INa Calf us for free estimate in yuur home. Suburban Furniture Cr TV 3.153 E.

Washington 4-4834. 4-6)95 01 5 Wallpapering. Painting PAINTING. WALL WASHING Cement work. Ordinary rooma painted.

$12. Call 4-5717. PAINTING Exterior-Interior Ra sonsble rates Free estimates, cau t. Hustad 6-0032. PAINTING, decorating exterior.

Inter lor. Paper banging Prompt service. Experienced. Elmer Legrey. 6-4587.

PAINTING Paper Hanging wan Cleaning -imm B0TT8FORD SON Decorators WE NEED EXTERIOR PAINTING NOW 3. MARTINSON 4-9400 4-4981 Free EMmetes W. CAPITAL DECORATING CO. Painting and Decorating RESPONSIBLE SKILLFUL For Call 6-3734 15 Help Wanted. Male BARTENDER Must be qualified and experienced for a responsible position now available.

Apply In person to Mr. Faulkner. THE EDGEWATER CAB DRIVERS PULL OR PART TIMS Apply Checker Cab 138 s. Blair. COUNSELORS Young man for counselors in children's summer camp.

Must be over 21. Camp leadership experience preferred but not essential. Call 5-3462. FARMER Single man for general farm work. John Gelger.

Verona, Wis. FARMER Reliable single man for year round work on modern farm. Lyle E. Wentworth. R.

1, Phone 430J, Edgerton. Wis. INSURANCE OFFICE Young man to step into a permanent position. If you want to enter the Insurance business as a vocation, here is your opportunity. Usual employee benefits, Including bonus.

Room 210, Ten-ney Building. 5-1851. MACHINE SHOP MANAGER To take full charge of production shop, employing 10 to 15 men. Write 5226 Times-Journal, stating age, education and qualifications. Inclose photograph.

All replies held In strict confidence. MEAT MAN Opportunity for experienced meat department manager in service type market located in town of 2.000. The man we are looking for must be able to do an outstanding Job in meeting the public. Write box 5231. Times-Journal.

ROUTEMAN to service our custom ers, car and references required Above average earning-. 5-9312. FULLER BRUSH CO. YOUNG MAN 21 to 28. High School graduate.

Car required. Intensive training program pre-ceeds advancement to mangerlal position; contacting people is major part of Job. Plenty of advancement opportunity and Job security. All modern employee benefit program. Apply to Mr.

McKee HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP. 15 W. Main St. Room 214 EXPERIENCED reliable married farm er with good references and some knowledge of good management. Chance of buying in on halves next spring, too wages and extras.

Cecil iiauri, Rt. uroanead, 12(JM2. YOUNG MAN willing to accept re sponsibility while learning a rasci natlng business. Bookkeeping and typing knowledge required. Call 6-6886 for appointment.

WANTED Man to take charge of small motor freight terminal. Experience deslreable but not necessary. Some sales work will be required. Write Box 5220. Times-Journal.

STUDENT for part-time work In Animal Hospital. Room with cook ing privileges plus wages. Must have car. 4-465J. NIGHT CLERK for hotel.

Must have some experience and best of references. Opportunity for advancement for right party. Phone 3-8929. MARRIED COUPLE to work on farm. Modern house.

Good salary. Martin Welrtch, Baraboo 1513R. 16 Help Wanted, Female BEAUTY OPERATOR Apply in person to COMFORT BEAUTY SHOP107State St, BEAUTICIAN EXPERT STYLIST (Male-Female) Finest clientele, shortest hours, highest pay. Also receptionist with typing and bookkeeping knowledge. House of Leonard's.

213 Wisconsin Avenue, Phone 7-2773 eve. 6-6568. BOARD. PRIVATE ROOM for some help in home Call 3-2560 BRANCH MANAGER for dry clean ing store. Must be between 25-35.

Also want girl for general office work, and another girl for general work In cleaning plant. Call 5-7259 for interview. CASHIER FRONT OFFICE Experience desirable but not essential. Usual employee benefits. Apply In person only Mrs.

Warden. LORAINE HOTEL CHAMBERMAID $1.00 per hour to competent person. Kererences required. Apply Viklngtown Hotel. Beitllne and Nakoma Road.

CHECKER for grocery store. Full time, steady work. Apply in person 437 W. Main. CLEANING Woman 1 day every 2 weeks.

Write Box 5211, Times-Jour nal. CASHIER Young lady over 21 with knowledge of bookkeeping and typing. For all around office work in retail store. Good salary. CLARK'S 126 State Street COOK Short order.

Days. Apply In person. Red Rooster. Highway 51, Kt, 1, Madison. 4-4662.

COOK Experienced, for sorority house for summer season starting june zmn. can i-iiii. COOK for summer camp. Must be ex 'perienced In cooking for large groups, can 5-3462. COOK Breakfast DISH MACHINE OPERATORS SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR Year round work.

Apply by or In person to OAKTON MANOR PEWAUKEE LAKE, WISCONSIN DOMESTIC Middle age with nlatn cooking ability preferred. Pleasant environment with private bath and room. Good pay. Please give references If possible when writing. Write box 5227 rimes-journal.

GENERAL OFFICE WORK Permanent position for qualified girl. Typ ing essential. Apply 1010 a. park HOUSEWORK Family of four. No small children.

Good working con dltlons. Private room. Bhone 6-0721 or 3-6663. PRESS and MANGLE OPERATORS Experienced preferred. Universal Cleaners tt Laundry.

1226 Regent 8t. RECEPTIONIST-S ECRETARY for downtown medical office. Available Immediately. State full qualifications first letter. Writs Box 5221 Times-Journal REGISTERED NURSE for Ear, Nose and Throat Department.

Good working conditions. Apply In person to miss riucknan. jaexson unnic. SALESDADY Experienced to sell la dies ready to wear. uooosaiary.

permanent position. Apply Cinderella Bhop, 8 B. Carroll. STENOGRAPHER Excellent position available as a die taphone operator and general typist. We offer a good starting salary.

Many employee benefits, and a convenient location. 5 day week, hours 8-4. Ag 17-30. Apply Monday. June EMPLOYERS MUTUALS 229 State St.

WAITRESS Experienced. Howard's Resort Wis. Dells, on Lake Delton. 7791 Wis. Dells.

JNo collect calls WAITRESS NITE WORK Call mornings only (8 to 12) 4-9741 WAITRESS 11 to 7 p. m. shift. Apply in person to the Lakeside Care, 936 SouthPark. WAITRESS NIGHT WORK Call mornings only (8 to 12) Simon's Log Cabin 4-9741 WAITRESS Wanted, good wages, meals and uniforms furnished MARTY'S SANDWICH SHOP.

1317 university Ave. WAITRESS-KNIGHTS Steady smnlnvment. An attractive size 32. Apply in person to Miss Davis at tne Simon House. WOMAN for vegetables and assist In kitchen, summer employment.

June 16th to August 28th. Must live on premises. $115 monthly Including room and board. On Lake Mendota. Phone 3-1605.

HIGH SCHOOL graduate age 18 to 21 for mall and rue clerk position. Ideal working conditions. day 37 hour week. New York Life. Call Mr.

Thu-row 5-2958 for Interview appointment 17 Help, Mala andor Ftmale MIDDLE aged couple to manage Free- mom notei. dus station and manage and operate restaurant In Columbus. Wisconsin. Private living quarters, percentage basis. Writs or apply at Freemont Hotel, Columbus, Wisconsin, SEVERAL ladles and gentlemen avail able full time for one month to help out on Labor Temple Association program either phones or collections.

Good pay everyday. Dial 6-5744 Mr. Kelly, Park. Town of Westport, Dan County. Wisconsin.

You are further notified that after three months from the date of service of this notice, the said Dane County, a municipal corporation of Wisconsin, will apply to the County Clerk of Dane County for a tax deed to the land above described. Dated at Madison. Wisconsin, this 26th day of May, 1954. JOHN U. WILLIAMS, Dan County Treasurer.

Dane County, Wis. Special Notice to Occupant: Section 234.18. Wisconsin Statute. provides as follows: notice of Adverse Proceedings. Ev ery tenant upon whom any process, proceeding or notice of any proceeding to recover the land occupied by mm or the possession thereof shall be served shall forthwith give notice thereof to his landlord, under the penalty or forfeiting the value of three years rent of the premises occupied by him.

which may be sued for and recovered by th andlord or person or whom ucc tenants holds, DOAW WSJ 3 wksSat (First pub. May 29 last June 12 1 NOTICE FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT AM) IN He. KIT AN CE TAX ADJUST-MfcNT State of Wisconsin, County Court, Dane County In Probate. In Re Estate of CHARLES ABBRUS, Deceased. Notice Is Hereby Given.

That at the Special Term of the Countv court, to be held In and for said county, at the Courthouse in the city of Madison, in said County, on tne iirst ruesday or July, A. D. 1954. there will be heard, considered, ex amined and adjusted: Tne annllCAt.lnn rt Aherle (he executor of the estate of Charles Aberie, late of the City of Madison in said county, deceased, for the settlement of his final account as such executor which account Is now on file In said court, for the determination of the Inheritance tax, proof of heirship and for the assignment of the residue of said estate to those ei.titied thereto. Dated May 27, 1954.

By the Court. GEORGE KRONCKE. Jiirlm. George A. Solsrud, Attorney, 119 Monona Madison, Wis.

DOAW WSJ 3 wksSat (1st Pub. May 22. Last June 51 NOTICE OF TAKING PROOFS OF HEIRSHIP AND TO CREDITORS State of Wisconsin. County Court for Dans County. In the Matter of the Estate of CLARA H.

McCLENAHAN. Deceased. Application for Probate of Will and taking proofs as to who are the heirs having been filed In the Estate of Clara H. McClenahan. deceased, lace of the City of Madison, in said County, and all of the heirs and beneficiaries having consented thereto in writing.

i Notice is hereby given that all claims against the said Clara H. McClenahan. deceased, late of the Cltv of Madison in Dene County. Wisconsin, must be presented to said County uourt at Madison, in said countv. on or before August 20, 1954.

or be barred: and that all such claims and demands will be examined and ad justed ana proofs as to who are the heirs of said decedent will be taken at a term of said Court to be held at the Courthouse in the City of Madison in said County on Tuesday, the 7th day of September. 1954. at 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon of said dRV or as soon thereafter as said matters can ne neard. Dated: May 20. 1954.

Bv Order of the Court. GEORGE KRONCKE, Judsra Rlsser Risser, Attorneys, ius west Main street. Madison. Wisconsin W.S.J. DOAW 3 wksSat Auction Directory JUNE 5.

1 P.M. Alfred Oster- oerg, mi or stoughton 12 ml e. ot Madison on cty. Tr. N.

Auct. Dean George. Farm Loan Service. LIVESTOCK AUCTION Thurg. June win.

noon sharp: MADISON LIVE- biuck. miles East of Mad ison. Hwy. 151. Classified Ads 5 Florists IRIS Make selection from garden now Post Farm, 2930 University Ave.

TOMATO PLANTS, creeplnu phlox perennials. MINEAU'S MAUVE GAB DENS. 4813 Mineral Point Rd. 9- -Lodges and Societies HIRAM LODGE No. 50 Stated com 1st.

3rd Mon 7:30 p. m. Masonic rempie. wm. D.

Lewis, M. Fred M. Mason, sec. visitors we come. SPEC COM.

Mon. June 14 MM 7 p.m. MADISON LODGE NO. 5 Stated com. 1st.

3rd Thurs. 7:30 p. m. Masonic Temple. W.

H. Swearingen W. M. H. s.

nutter sec, visitors welcome 12 Personal Interest FISHING TACKLE WRIST WATCHES CLOCK RADIOS PORTABLE RADIOS CHARCOAL GRILLS BASEBALL CLOVES MOVIE CAMERAS Have vou noticed YOUR Capital Times or Stats Journal carrier with some of these wonderful prizes? ASK YOUR CARRIER what ha won during our annual magazine and newspaper subscription drive. YOUR BOY would have an opportunity to win valuable merchandise or other prizes on a MADISON NEWSPAPER ROUTE: PLUS, getting a foundation In basle business and personality training. TOUR BOY needs Newspaper route training to get a ''running start" In this business of learning to make a living. APPLY TODAY for YOUR BOY CALL OR WRITE DISTRICT MANAGER Circulation Department Madison Newspapers, Inc 119 S. Carroll Phone 6-5511 Doe's Your Home Need Painting? Call Nelson Decoratlnv Co.

3:9 N. Randall 6-4236 PRACTICAL NURSB has room In her nome to car for 1 elderly lady. Call 4-2716. YOU'LL BE IN 6TEPI With a refresher course from ARTHUR MURRAY Call 6-9056 BRANTON DRUGS. "Your Friendly rnarmscisis," are at your service ior quality prescriptions.

2042 Washington. 4-6934. APARTMENT SIZE Freezer pit uwi.us includes Guaranteed large uprignt ireezer, 140 worth of frouen 1000 or meat, your choice. Addition al foods. Special price on TV or planter tamp, no down payment.

Credit Union terms. C0NSUMFR3 COOP 1407 Monroe, 13 Lost and Found BILLFOLD LOST Light tan with valuable papers. Initials L. M. on outside.

Reward. 4-2773 or 5-6725. BILLFOLD Black, lost at bus stop on corner 01 mgersoii or bus stop at Washington and Gardner Bak ery, call 6-3353. BRACELET Diamond and SBphlre. Lost May 21 between E.

Oorham and Castle Place or Maple Bluff, Gener ous reward. Phone 3-3393. FOX TERRIER lost. Blsck and white female from w. Beitllne area on Saturday.

Reward. 3-8332, 3ING Oold Wedding Band. Lost In wnite envelope, sentimental value. newnro oriereo. can 4-1979.

TRICYCLE Large size 8lebert. LOST vicinity or crawiord Heights. Reward. Phone 3-8026. WRIST WATCH Ladles Hamilton lost between lis w.

Oilman and Slate st. Frl. A. M. Reward.

Call 6-2R88 after 4:30 or 6-7864 anytime. WRISTWATCH Man's yellow gold Waltham with fabric band. LOST near Park and University. Reward. 6-003T.

LOST I large sliver pin. Probably around square. Finder call 3-974. 15 Help Wanted. Mala ASSISTANT To owner to assist In all duties of a retail store selling clothing and outdoor merchandise.

Apply In person to EASTWOOD ARMY STORE 2098 Atwood Ave. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN AND ADVANCE IN DEPARTMENT STORE BUSINESS 2 BRIGHT YOUNG LADIES 2 CAREER MINDED MEN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES for advancement to the right young peo ple, previous experience not necessary. WE WILL TRAIN YOU. Not routine Jobs, but varied, interesting posi tions include detailed training puy ine. merchandising.

Dromotion. dls- nlftv etc I.TRFR AT. PAY while on the Job training. MANY STORE BENEFITS including extensive discount on parel. Hospitalization bonuses, etc.

PHONE 5-8855 Mr. Jess to arrange Informal confidental interview WANTED FOR SUMMER WORK Waitresses. Bus Boys, Musicians Clerks. Write experience, to Col-onlal Hotel. Delavan, Wis.

18 Sales Help, IWare Burroughs Corporation has openings for several young men on sales force due to expansion program. Extensive training program with adequate salary. Exclusive territory assignment with salary and commission after Good educational background and good school grades are essential. Some accounting or bookkeeping training necessary, preferably some previous sales experience. Phone for appointment.

A. M. Stu-ben. 2749 University 3-5368. LUMBER salesmen to headquarters in local area and cover Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin territory for large out of town wholesale lumber and plywood distributor.

Write to Box 5205, Times-Journal, giving full details of experience, and our representative will arrange a personal interview. USED CAR SALESMAN Experience helpful but not necessary. If you have been successful on milk route, bakery route or in appliance field, we can use you. Top commission and best cars in town to sell. Our salesmen are top money makers.

Apply in person to Laurence A. Kuhnau, 721 University Ave. Pyramid Motor Co. EARN AS YOU LEARN Large Electrical Company has 2 openings in factory branch for Madison and surrounding counties; also would like to talk to a few students over 21 years of ase for summer work. Phone 6-8070 days.

New and Used Car Salesman If you have had success in selling and are known in Madison, we have an exceptional proposition for you with Studebaker. Apply in Person 655 E. Wash. Mr. Young SALESMAN Middle aged, responsible man to sell advertising specialties.

Utah Mmmfoalnn nt.pantDB hr.r, rmn't rfol hao nil 2 oDeiilnsrs left. Write or call Marco Advertising 29 E. Wilson, Madi son, wis. e-1534. MARRIED MAN between 30-50 with car to assist motor club district manager in membership sales.

Must be Industrious and have personality suitable for dealing with public. Exceptional opportunity for advancement. See Mr, Hayssen A A A. office, 103 No. Hamilton, Monday June 7th.

WANTED salesmen. Must have experience in retail selling. If qualified will pay $200 a month Starting pay. No phone calls. Apply at Holland Furnace.

532 S. Park between 9 and 12. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE Man with mutual Insurance background to cover southern Wisconsin for well established company. Will train man with proper qualifications. Salary, company car and expenses.

Direct Inquiries to: Property owners Mutual Insurance 2200 University St. Paul 14. Minn. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Good opportunity if you know Madison, if you like people and can bell. HOVDE REALTY S-smeSSST SALESMAN to sell locally on a part-time basis.

No experience necessary. Good chance to make extra money. Wlckcraft 4-9177. 01 Miscellaneous Services CARPENTER WORK. ROOFS FIXED CHIMNEYS, CEMENT.

HOUSES PAINTED TOO. W. WURTH. 6-4517 CTRTF.RN ereaae trana Dumped cleaned, unplugged. Septic tanks.

dry wells cleaned; also electric sewer rooter service. Work guaranteed. 24 hr. service. B.

Dvorak. 4-2638. CISTERN DRY WELL. GREASE TRAP septic tank pumping, complete in stallation ot sepiic tangs, cry wens Work gauaranteed. SEWER SERVICE Wm.

King. 4-5991. 24 hour serylce. LAWNMOWER8 correctly sharpened and ad lusted. Guaranteed.

814 Shlller Court 4-4193 PIANO REPAIR and tuning. Our own tuner.l member American SOCIETY PIANO TECHNICIANS, fttelnwav annrnved tuner. FORBES MEAGHER MUSIC CO. 7-2259 RUGS AND UPHOLSTERY cleaned In your home the nationally advertised DURACLEAN way. Free estimate.

Duraclean NOW IS THE TIME to have vour eaves troughs and down spouts cleaned and repaired. Also metal decks repaired and replaced now. FREE ESTIMATES. W. O.

ZIMMERMAN 6-0265 MACK'8 ASH LINE Phone 6-6785. Es tablished 1914. Chimney, furnaces, cisterns, grease traps, septlo tanks, dry wells: oumoed. cleaned, repaired: go anywhere. Licensed.

Men. trucks insured. 423 Pateraoi-, Dad Can Photozraoh The Brldel Too Bsd. Pop. You Could've Tried! JENKS CAMERA REPAIR LAB 2418 Monroe St.

Oi Ashes. Rubbish. Etc Hauling ASHES. RUBBISH HAULING Prompt Service PELLITTERI BROS. Trucking Transfer Co.

S-1594 725 W. Washington 6-6054: 3-4B48 04 Electrical Contracting, Repair We specialize In old house rewiring 20 Years Experience CEDERCREN ELECRIC CO. 82T E. Johiunn 6-4950 OS-Building, Contracting, Excavating BACK FILLING, grading, end loader service. THOMAS TANTILLO 6-6084 BAsem*nTS SEWERS DUG "RACINE" OF MADISON 6-6222 BAsem*nT dlggink.

ditching and fill dirt. DON HARBORT fl-2983 BAsem*nTS DUG Dttchlni and Grading McCormlck Lumber Fuel Co. 4-4741 CARPENTER WORK No Job Too Small R. W. SMITH 3-6273 CARPENTER WORK Building and remoaeung or all kinds.

Phone 4-5515 after 6. anytime weekends. Joe Reb- hola. CARPENTER and MASONRY work. Mdewalks.

drives, basem*nt floors Robert Morgan 3-5816; CEMENT WORK. Sidewalks, Drive ways, Floors, etc. Licensed and bonded. J. J.

Cullen. B-1980. CONCRETE and MASON WORK R. W. Martin 3-4945 CONCRETK STEPS Ready made precast, we make installation.

Kre-cast Concrete Products 5-8249. WHO YOUR COMPLETE Sealed bids will be received by the State of Wisconsin, Bureau of Purchases. State Capitol, Madison 2, Wisconsin, on or before 2:00 p. m. June 22.

1954, to cover the furnishing of Meat and Meat Products. Specifications may be obtained upon application to the Bureau of Purchases. F. X. RITGER.

Director. Pub. W.S.J. June 5, 1954 ADVERTIsem*nT FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received hv The University of Wisconsin, Purchasing Department. 42R North Mnrrav Street Madison 6.

Wisconsin, until 2:00 p. CUT. June 21. Ifl54 for th nur- chase of 16 R. R.

Carloads of Baled softwood (Coniferous) Shavings. Spe ciflcations may be obtained upon ap plication at the above address. L. H. CLAYTON, Purchanlnir Airenfe.

Pub. W.S.J. June 1954 NOXIOUS WEED NOTIf'E Kotlce Is hereby given to each and every person who owns, occupies or controls land in the city of Madison, County of Dane, State of WiscoiiBtn, to cut or destroy all Canadian thistle, English charlock or wild mustard, goatsbeard. quack or quitch grass, and leafy spurge, field bind weed and marijuana, and noxious weeds on all lands owned, occupied or controlled by you In said City out to the center of highway on which such lands may abut, at such time and in such manner as shall effectually prevent them from bearing seed, or spreading to adjacent property, as required by Section 96 01 of the Wisconsin Statutes. In case of failure to comply with this notice by June 15, 1954 work will be done by the Cltv of Madison at prpperty owner's expense.

GEORGE PORSTER. Mayor. W.S.J.. C.T., June 5. 12, 1954 (1st Pub.

June 5, Last June 19) NOTICE OF APPLICATION for Probate of Will Taking Proofs of HeirshiD and tn Oartitira State of Wisconsin, County Court, Dane county. In the Matter of the instate nr ALICE I. VINJE. Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given that at a term of said Court to be held nn Tuesday, the 29th day of June, 1954.

at 10:20 o'clock In the forenoon nf said day, at the Court House In the city or Madison, in said County, there wilt oe heard and considered: ine application of Arthur M. Vinie lor the Drobate of the Will of Alice I VlnJe. deceased, said Will belne dated the 18th day of September. 1947. and for the appointment of an executor or the estate of said Alice I.

Vlnte deceased, late of the City of Madison, in said Countjf. and for taking proofs oi wno arc tne neirs or said decedent Notice 1 further given that all claims against the said Alice I. VlnJe, deceased, late of the City of Madison, in Dane County, Wisconsin, must be presented to said County Court at tne city or Madison, in said County on or before the 3rd day of Septem ber. 1954. or be barred: and that all such claims and demands will be ex amined and adjusted at a term of said Court to be held at the Court House in the Cltv of Madison, In said Louniy.

on tne ism day of Seotem ber. 1954. at ten o'clock in the fore noon or said day. Dated: June 3, 1954. By Order of the Court, GEORGE KRONCKE.

Judge F. D. Attorney W.S.J. DOAW 3 wks Sat (CORRECTED NOTICE) NOTIl'K OF HOND K4l.lt 1728,000 City of Port Washington. Gen erai obligation School Building Bonds.

Notice is hereby given that the City of Port Washington, Ozaukee County, Wisconsin will receive sealed and oral bids for the purchase of $728,000 General Obligation School Bunding Bonds dated July l. 1954, numbered from 1 to 728 Inclusive, denomination 11.000 due serially S37.000 July 1, 1955 and 137,000 each year to July 1. 1962 inclusive and 138.000 July 1. 1963 and S36.000 each year to July 1. 1974 Inclusive.

Bonds are not optional prior to maturity. Principal and Interest on said bonds are payable at Tne Port Washington State Bank and The First National Bank of Port Washington, in Port Washington, Wis. The maximum rate of interest to be borne by the uunns is ii'ivr) per cent per annum, payable January l. 1955 and semi annually thereafter. All Interest rates must De in multiples of of 1, and no bid shall sDecifv more than one rate of interest which shall apply to me enure issue, no bid will be considered for les than par and accrued Interest and all bids must he for all of the bonds of said issue.

All other things being eaual. preference will given to the bid of par and accrued Interest, or better, which specifies the lowest coupon rate of interest. Bids must be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check In the amount of 17,280.00 payable to the uuy iTeasurer as a guarantee of good faith to be forfeited to the City by the successful bidder as liquidated damages should he fall to take up ouu pay ior tne oonas wnen ready aaia Donas win De tne direct aen- eral obligation of the City payable from unlimited ad valorem taxes, and are being Issued for the purpose of constructing a scnool building in said city. A certified transcript, including a non-lltlgatlon certificate, and the unqualified approving opinion of Lines, spooner and Uuarles or Milwaukee. Wisconsin, alone with the completed bonds will be furnished to the successful bidder without cost to mm.

Sealed bids should be addressed to the undersigned City Clerk, Port Washington, Wisconsin, and will be received up to Seven Thirty o'clock (7:30) p. m. Central Standard Time on June 15. 1954 after which time oral bids will be received at the City Hall in said City The 1950 U. 8.

Census population of the City of Port Washington was 4.755. The equalized value of all taxable property for the year 1953 was The assessed valuation of all taxable property for the year 1953 was the sum of $12 095.710. and the total bonded deht of said city now outstanding is Si23B.tt7H.uu. The City nas as of June 1954 cash on hand la the sum of 1823.992.94 and has U. 8.

Government Bonds In the sum of $338,411.20. The 1953 tax rate for State, County, School and City pur poses was sau.55 Per tnousand. For additional financial or other Information address the undersigned City Clerk. GEORGE P. KRICK.

City Clerk Pub. W.S.J. June 4. 1954 Republished June S. 1954 (First pub May 29 last.

June 12) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX DEED See. 75.12 Wis. SUti. To Owners. OccuDanta and To Whom It May Concern.

You are hereby notified that Dane County, a municipal corporation of Wisconsin, is the owner and holder of Master Tax Certificate Item num- oer 1126. dated October 17. 1950. in the face amount of $1.21, bearing Interest as provided by law at the rate of eight-tenths of one per cent per mnoth or fraction of a month from January 1. 1950; and you are further notiried hereby that the face amount of the Master Tax Certificate Item rum ber 1126 above described Is the amount for which the followtng de-scrbled land was sold by the Dane County treasurer on October 17, 1950.

such sale being for the taxes of 1949 levied upon the said land which is particularly described as follows, to- wltr North 10 ft of Lot 3, Brlckson Park. Town of Westport, Dane County. Wisconsin. You are further notified hereby that after three months from the date of service of this notice, the said Dane County, a municipal cor poration of Wisconsin, will apply to the Countv Clerk of Dane County for a tax deed to the land above described. Dated at Madison.

Wisconsin, this 36th day of May, ltM. JOHN D. WILLIAMS. Dans County Treasurer, Dane County, Wis, Special Notice to Occupant: Section 334.18, Wisconsin Statutes, provide as follows, "Notice of Adverse Proceedings. Every tenant upon whom any process, proceeding or notice of any proceeding to recover the land nocunled by him qr the possession thereof shall be served shall forthwith give notice tnereoi to nia landlord, under the penalty of forfeiting the value of three year's rent of the premises occupied by hlun.

which may be sued for and recovered by the landlord or person of whom such tenant holds," DOAW WSJ 3 wksSat (First pub. May 29 last June 12 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TAX PK.KD See. 75.12 Wis. Statt. To H.

Brlckson. his heirs or To Whom It May Concern Owner of the lands hereinafter described. You are hereby notified that Dane County, a municipal corporation of Wisconsin. Is the owner and holder of MHSter Tax Certificate Item num. ber 1126 dated Oetr-ber 17, 1950, In the face amount of $1 31, bearing Interest as provided by law at the rate of eight-tenths of one per cent per montn or I motion of a month from January 1.

1950; and you are further notified hereby that the face amount of the Master Tax Certificate Item number 1124 abovs described la the amuont for which the following described land was sold by the Dane County treasurer on October 17, 1150. such sale being for the taxes of 1949 levied upon the said land which Is particularly described as follows, towlf Norm 10 rt. or Lot 3 Brlckson IL Bandits Disguised as Patients Grab $22,000 at Hospital PITTSBURGH IW Two adhesive-plastered bandits, who pretended to be patients, pulled a $23,000 payroll robbery Friday just inside the main entrance of Mercy hospital. Police said the gunmen slugged a Washington Trust Co. messenger, grabbed a paper-wrapped package of money he was Carrying and dashed past startled nurses into the street.

Bank Messenger Joseph. Bondi, 18, said one of the bandits punched him in the stomach and the other hit him on the head with a gun. "They didnt say a word," Bondi said. "They just slugged me and grabbed the money." Witnesses said one bandit had an adhesive patch over one eye and the other had a bandage on his nose. Police said the bandages apparently were disguises and were ripped off when the gunmen reached the street.

Adelaide Healey, secretary to Sister Ferdinand, hospital super intendent, said she thought the men were patients. Police Supt. James W. Slusser said the robbery "obviously was well planned. House Unit Studies Bill Aimed at Hiss WASHINGTON (UP) A spe cial five-man House subcommit tee was set up Thursday to con sider legislation that would deny Alger Hiss the civil service re tirement annuity for which he will become eligible on Dec.

1, 15)08. Hiss now Is serving a prison term for perjury for denying that in 1938 he furnished copies of secret State Department documents to then-Communist Whit-aker Chambers. The subcommittee, headed by Rep. Albert W. Cretella was appointed by the House Postoffice and Civil Service Committee to consider nine similar bills affecting pension rights.

Some would apply only to Hiss; others would deny retirement annuities to any federal employes who "violate their trust." Cretella told a reporter the subcommittee probably would be gin public hearings in mid-June. under terms of the civil service retirement law, Hiss is en titled to a government pension of $715 a year when he becomes 62, The present law does not per mit the government to withhold a pension from eligible former employes if they are convicted of treason. West Point, Annapolis Plan 'Security Checks' WASHINGTON OR The Army and Navy are now making for the first time 'complete back ground investigations" of their West Point and Annapolis graduates before awarding them conv missions, it was disclosed Friday The new policy, put into effect this year, came to light with the disclosure that three Midship. men in the 1954 Annapolis grad uating class have had their com missions held up pending completion of their security checks The Midshipmen a uated with their class of 854 Naval Academy seniors Friday and "will be notified as appropriate" when the inquiries are complet ed, a spokesman said. The Navy would not disclose the names, but said the men are from Hartford, Jersey City, N.

and Haren, Ark. It said none of the three refused to sign loyalty forms, nor did the investigations stem from their answers to questionnaires. APPLESAUCE WESTMINISTER. Mass. (UP) Mrs.

Lutia Shumway, who will be 102 on July 1, says if you want to live to a ripe old age eat applesauce every day and drink a glass of water before each meal. CAN DO IT! HOME AND BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Precautions Listed for Safeguarding Well Water Supply By DR. CARL S. NEUPERT (State Health Officer) No sane person would think of drinking water from a poisoned well, yet many Wisconsin fam ilies obtain their water from faulty wells that are potentially just as dangerous. Rural and urban dwellers who depend on private wells for their water supply should give careful thought to the fact that most of the cases of dysentery and other intestinal disorders reported dur ing the past year have a rural background.

"But," you ask. "how can I ne certain that my drinking water is safe?" Luckily there are several precautions one can take. Since most of our difficulties result from faulty construction of wells when they are first built, many of our water problems can be solved or eliminated at that time. Rather than attempt to in stall a water supply ourselves, perhaps our best guarantee is to hire a registered well driller and pump installer. Well drillers have been re quired to register with the State Board of Health ever since 1936, and the past session of the Ler Islature made it mandatory for pump installers to do likewise in order to obtain a permit to op erate.

This registration helps to as sure the public that proper well drilling and correct pump installation procedures will be followed. Compliance with the code re quirements offers the best pro tection against contamination in our drinking water. At the present time there are approximately 400 registered well drillers and over 1,170 registered pump installers Wisconsin well owners can select for work of this type. The owner, for his own protection, should insist that the work be done in strict conformance with the state code. Existing water supplies should be tested from time to time, and the superstructure of wells care fully watched and kept in a safe condition throughout the A properly constructed well, and a correctly Installed pump, is our best assurance of safe water.

GOP Says Rep. Yorty Breaks Franking Mark WASHINGTON (UP) The Republican Congressional a m-paign Committee Thursday said ReD. Samuel W. Yortv (D-Calif 1 "has just broken all records for man iranktng." The committee said in a state ment that Yorty, Democratic candidate for senator in California's primaries next Tuesday, mailed out under hi innsrp. sional frank 4,108,500 copies of a speech he made in the House last May 12.

The speech was reprinted in a four page pamphlet entitled. "Let's Build a Better America," the GOP committee said. The committee said the re prints filled 611 mail bags. It es timated tne cost to taxpayers at $119,146.50 based on postal esti mates of 2 9 cents per piece. California Insurance Firm Picks City Agent William R.

"Lund, 1509 Wins- low Lane, agent of the Mutual Trust Life Insurance Co. in Mad ison, has been appointed general agent In Madison of the Occidental Life Insurance Los Angeles, it was announced Thursday night A graduate of the University of Wisconsin, Lund is a charter member of the university's In surance Society, a director of the Madison Life Underwriters Association, and a charter member of the West Side Optimist Club. He will take charge of the California firm's first agency In Madison. 05-Building, Contracting, Excavating PLASTERING CEMENT and MASON WORK ED COX 3-8513 PLASTERING LATHING AND STUCCO WORK WILLIAM ABALY 5-1412 GET OUR low prices for a permanent fireproof masongry siding in stone or brick design for home or build ings new or old. Call or writs O.

W. Sachtjen, Rt. 4, Madison, Wis. 4-3914 eves. NEW HOUSES, remodeling, screens.

and Kitcnen cabinets, weisen-BURGER'S428 GannonAve4-5041. CARPENTER WORK Building and remodeling or all kinds. Marcus Vln it. Call 4-6527. CONCRETE BAsem*nTS Poured With Steel Forms MELVIN BREUNIG 6-133 CONCRETE BAsem*nTS' Poured with Steel Forma BADGER BUILDERS 7-1453 PORCH and HOUSE SCREENS built rescreened P.

H. Martin Co. 3-6355 days.jeves, A and Builders Cement and carpenter work. Remod eling and repair. No Job too small.

rree estimates. Phone 3-8518. 08 Gardening BLACK DIRT grading, seeding, sod- aiuK. stone wora. RAY CORCORAN 5-6050 after 5:30 BLACK DIRT from a Mi' truck load 60 a truck load delivered.

Good top SOU. 6-49U. BLACK DIRT Fill dirt Crushed rock for driveways. JOHN L. KELENY M)341 BLACK DIRT U.

of W. tested and approved. Private supply from for mer garden site. 48 nr. delivery-Fllldlrt, grading.

J. De Beck. 4-1861. ROTOTILLING Lawns and gardens 20 inch cut. John A.

Weston 7-1930 ROTOTILLING gardens and lawns. Delbert Olson Call 4-1519 TREE TRIMMING and removal serv- ice. neasonaoie. insured. Free esti mates.

-io or -m. PATIO STONES In many colors for waiKs. onveways. wans, patios. 4519 W.

Beitllne BUILDEX S-5321 FOUR LANE LAWN RHRVTrir. Driveways dug. gravel, flagstone walls, grading sodding and seeding, hl.lr fill Hi- Wu Work guaranteed Dick Spears. 6-341X1 WISCONSIN TREK' SERVICE Trlmmtr.g, removing, eabellng. Fully luaurrq.

f-ij or 3-il)l NORM'8 LAWN SEP VICE Well fer tilized black dirt, fill dirt, sodding. Cement, masonry, excavating. 5-2445 or 5-1430. "KOSOBtrn LANDSCAPE SERVICE Sodding Seeding Design Planting complete landscaping 4-34-10 CALL 5-3257 for Lawn Service, fill ing, black dirt, sodding, Prompt serv-Ire, reasonable prices. USE WANT-ADS FOR RESULTS.

Wisconsin State Journal from Madison, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.