Moving company Rotterdam - (2025)

Moving to or from Rotterdam

Via you can find all reviews and experiences of moving companies in Rotterdam. Our extensive network of large and small moving companies is rated by our users, so we only work with good and reliable moving companies. It is a requirement that our movers be licensed and insured. Your personal information is also kept secure at all times.

Moving companies in Rotterdam

In the beautiful city of Rotterdam there are a lot of professional moving companies active and it may sound very strange, but this can be quite confusing because where do you find the right one?moving companyin Rotterdam for your move? Is every moving company Rotterdam the same or is one better than the other?

When you search the internet for 'move Rotterdam' or 'move Rotterdam' you will soon notice that you can no longer see the wood for the tall trees.

At Moving we are happy to help you

BeeMovingwe like clear communication and in this way we try to make it all a lot easier for moving Netherlands. That is why you can now leave your worries about the entire move behind you, because together with us a moving company Rotterdam is easy to find.

A cheap moving company Rotterdam

As previously indicated, a Rotterdam moving company at Moving is easy to find. However, when looking for a moving company in Rotterdam, it is always important to first look carefully at what exactly you need. For example, do you need a full-service move? Do you want moving cheaply?

Cheap moves with various moving services do not have to be a problem at all with a Rotterdam moving company.

Neighborhoodsin Rotterdam where our movers are active:

  • Rotterdam Center
  • Delfshaven
  • Overspend
  • North
  • Hillegersberg-Schiebroek
  • Kralingen-Crooswijk
  • Feyenoord
  • IJsselmonde
  • Pernis
  • Prince Alexander
  • Charles
  • Hoogvliet
  • Hoek van Holland
  • Spanish Polder
  • New Matheness
  • Waalhaven
  • Foundling plate
  • Botlek
  • North West business park
  • Rivium
  • Business park Schieveen
  • Wolfoppenweg

Private removals

Hiring an experienced moving company Rotterdam has never been easier. Especially for oneprivate movein Rotterdam. This is due to the fact that all moving companies are specialized in this. Expert movers know exactly how to safely move your fragile items and other fragile items.

Business relocations

Also international removals orbusiness relocationsare no problem for most moving companies in the Netherlands and therefore also in the Rotterdam region. It is important to look for moving companies that specialize in this. These removals require a different approach and the friendly movers must have some experience in this. For example, an efficient approach is very important here.

Do you have a business move, but don't want to have an entire move carried out? Then you can of course also opt for a number of separate, but well-trained movers. This is a cheap moving service that can take quite a bit of work off your hands.

Are business relocations different?

A business move is not very different from a private move, because in both cases the professional movers have to move the household effects. However, it is true that business relocations are approached differently. For example, the employees of the company must be taken into account because they must of course be able to continue working during the move.

Furthermore, during business relocations, movers usually also have to deal with special, large or heavy items that have to be moved and this naturally requires the correct working method.

Movers Rotterdam

Even it cheapest moving company in the municipality of Rotterdam employs experienced movers who can help you. A move can be quickly arranged. Even with a student moving service!

The best moving services

Every moving company Rotterdam offers customers different moving services. This is not only to make it easier for them, but especially for the customer. With extra moving services you will finish the move a lot faster. Yes, one moving company is certainly not the other moving company, but when you hire an experienced moving company Rotterdam you can count on dealing with skilled gentlemen. Real movers Rotterdam.

Rent a moving lift

When you live on a higher floor or, for example, move to an apartment on the 9th floor, arent a moving liftof course necessary. The move can then often not be carried out in any other way. You may immediately think of the stairwell, but a stairwell is not always suitable for moving. Sometimes it is too narrow, so that some objects do not fit in the stairwell. Also, it is of course not ergonomically sound when movers have to move from the 12th floor via the stairwell.

Make the move faster

Furthermore, a house can also have doorposts that are too narrow, which means that renting an elevator may be necessary. In this case, the objects must also be moved through the window or balcony. Is a moving lift not necessary for your move? Then it is still wise to consider this option because a moving lift can make your move a lot easier, so that you will also finish the move faster.

(Temporary storage

A moving company Rotterdam can not only help you with removals, but also with(temporary storage. Are you moving soon and can't you move all your big stuff with you? Then you can call in Rotterdam movers to take care of everything for you.

Packing, but also unpacking

Do you not feel like packing or unpacking your things during the move? Then a moving company Rotterdam can help you with this. With this handy and fast moving service, everything can run smoothly.

The movers are doing their best

Every moving company in Rotterdam employs professional movers who can help you pack and unpack your belongings. The professional movers of the moving company in Rotterdam know exactly how to pack everything correctly so that the risk of damage during transport is minimal. The Rotterdam movers will always use professional moving equipment.

A handyman

Moving cheaply with a moving company Rotterdam, but still be able to use the best moving services? This is possible! With Moving, a moving company in Rotterdam is very easy to find. Moving to Rotterdam has never been easier.

Happy to help you during the move

A handyman is almost always needed for a move. If you are not very good at this yourself, you can now move cheaply and hire a handyman. Yes, movers always work during a moving service in Rotterdam, but a handyman is of course not included. So if you need to whiten walls, fill holes or remove (large) objects, you can hire a handyman from the moving company. They can help you in both your old home and your new home.

Clear a house

A move in Rotterdam is common, but did you know thathouse clearancesalso often occur in different neighborhoods in the municipality of Rotterdam?

During an eviction, the house is emptied and you, as a customer, of course decide for yourself what happens to your belongings. You can have your belongings removed, donated or even sold!

Furniture transport

Are you going to carry out the move yourself and do you only need help moving some heavy furniture? Or maybe you have some nice stuff on the internetmarketplacebought that need to be picked up and delivered? Then you can also choosefurniture transport. Then the pieces are picked up and delivered neatly again.

Moving vans

If you are going to move yourself, you will of course also have to submit one yourselfto rent a moving van. In this case, your best option is to rent the moving van from a professional moving company. They usually offer their moving vans at daily prices, so that you as a customer can count on very competitive rates.

Urgent removals

A move in Rotterdam can sometimes not be planned in advance and therefore it can sometimes happen that aurgent movemust be inserted. Fortunately, moving quickly in Rotterdam is no problem at all.

A moving company Rotterdam urgently

Any (cheap) moving company can carry out a move in Rotterdam. Also moving quickly. So you can see that with cheap moving you can still count on the best service. Relocations are carried out daily in the municipality of Rotterdam and part of these relocations are therefore emergency relocations. Even the cheapest moving company always works with a flexible schedule so that emergency moves can still be scheduled at the last minute.

Unfortunately, proper preparation is not always possible with an urgent relocation service, which is why some movers charge a surcharge to move you urgently. Always check this well in advance so that you are not faced with surprises later on.

Please note your move

Moving to a new home can be a major event that can make you overlook some important things. An important aspect that you should not forget is to notify the municipality of your move. Moving in Rotterdam means that you must notify us of your move within 4 weeks before or no later than 5 days after your move.

What are the costs of a move?

Because there are different types of removals, it is very difficult to determine theaverage moving coststo calculate for this. For example, do you want one? complete move outsource or do you just want to move a few objects in Rotterdam? It is simply very difficult for movers to estimate moving costs without any information.

Every move is different because every customer is also different. What your personal wishes are, are of course not someone else's. One needs a large moving van while the other may need a small van. Perhaps one will move to Southern Europe while the other will move alone to a new congregation. All of these things and many more ultimately affect the price of a move.

If you want to move and want to know how much your move will cost, it is best to request a competitive quote from a moving company that appeals to you. It is of course best to request quotes from different moving companies so that you can compare them with each other.

Moving can make it all a bit easier for you

When you want to move andmoving quotesIf you want to compare with each other, it is therefore wise to contact several moving companies, but this job can of course be quite time-consuming. We therefore completely understand if you don't actually have time for this at all.

However, you want to hire a good moving company with years of experience, but of course you want the moving company to charge good prices. So what can you do for this? Don't worry in any case, because Moving has found the solution for this!

Request free quotes

At Moving you can now request multiple quotes with one application form. How? Now you may think.. but this is very simple. You submit your application to Moving so that we can then send it to the 6 best moving companies in your region. These moving companies will also contact you within 24 hours after they have received your request.

Compare all quotes

After you have received all quotes, you can compare them at your leisure. It is not only important to look at the competitive offer with a competitive price, but it is especially important to look at the relocation services offered, because which relocation company in Rotterdam offers you the best services and experienced staff?

It's free and you're not committed to anything!

After the application you do not have to worry at all about being obliged to choose between the moving companies, because this is not necessary at all. You are not attached to anything. Do you later decide, for example, to carry out the move all by yourself and not to opt for a moving company? Then this is no problem at all!

Moving company Rotterdam - (2025)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Views: 5967

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.